At Zenith cargo

We prioritize the issue of lost or missing parcels and understand the distress and frustration it can cause. Our commitment to secure delivery begins with preventive measures. To ensure the best possible service, we exclusively work with the world’s leading courier services that boast trusted and reliable delivery networks. However, despite partnering with top carriers, occasional problems can arise within our industry.

Zenith cargo SERVICE is dedicated to assisting customers in the claims process. Please note that raising a claim with the delivery courier who transported the goods requires following specific steps and procedures, which may take some time. To facilitate a smooth resolution, it is crucial that you adhere to the claims procedures outlined below.

We have developed search strategies for leading brands to small and medium sized businesses across many industries in the UK and worldwide.


If parcel is not delivered after certain period of booking or if it is declared lost by Courier Company then proceed for claim. All claims will be resolved based on the merits of the claims investigation.


Most cases will normally be resolved in 10 to 12 business days after we receive your claim form and supporting claim documentation, unless additional time for research isneeded.


Keep the merchandise and all original packaging, including cartons and contents, until the claim resolution process is finished. It may be necessary to make the packaging available to Courier Company for inspection.


If possible, make a written tally record when a large number of items are being received or the shipment consists of a number of different items. At time of delivery please check the labels on all handling units to be certain they are yours and check for shortages as goods are being unloaded. Be sure to keep the shipment together until unloading is complete, in case a recount is necessary. If there is a shortage, please note it on the delivery receipt before signing for the shipment.


Items or Purchase Order Numbers Carrier is not responsible for item or purchase order numbers, only piece count. This is because item and/or purchase order numbers are not verified at the time of pickup. (Example: If delivery receipt is noted “20 cartons item 123456 over, 20 cartons 654321 short,” no carrier responsibility exists.)


It can be extremely frustrating when your shipment does not arrive on time. Estimated transit time is meant to be as accurate as possible, so that the shipper can know when to expect their cargo and when to arrange a pick up. You have customers pushing you for a deadline, and in the end, you end up being held accountable for the delay.

There are following reasons for delaying of shipments:
Most likely scenario:

  1. Space or equipment shortage on the Flight
  2. Custom held
  3. Misrouted
  4. Bad weather
  5. The Flight changed the rout and will make additional stops
  6. Port Congestion
  7. Your container/Cargo plane was loaded at the wrong destination by accident
  8. Port authorities cannot locate your container/cargo/shipment

Most cases of delays will be caused by either number 1, 2 or 3 on the above list. However, piracy, container theft, vessel damage and loading mistakes do unfortunately happen. With that being said, they are rare and highly unlikely to be the cause of your delay. The best thing you can do is be patient, and communicate consistently with your transportation partner – whether it is a freight forwarder or a steamship line of a courier company. Make sure you get all the information available, so that you can communicate honestly and directly with your production, customers, retailers or whomever the delay may concern.


As we all know that courier is a chained based work, for delivering of one shipment there is multiple scanning locations its quite impossible to locate where it is damaged. However, If you have purchased enhanced cover for your shipment, you will be entitled to claim up to the full value of the cover you requested. However, you will still have to provide evidence that the damage cost of the goods is as per the value of the cover you purchased. If you have not purchased enhanced cover, you will be refunded in accordance with our Limits of Liability.


We really understand that it can be a bad experience when parcels are lost or missing. Unfortunately in our industry, even with the best carriers, problems do occur as it is totally chain based work. If you have not purchased enhanced cover, you will be refunded in accordance with our Limits of Liability. This normally entitles your product value of parcel which is mentioned at the time of booking of parcel plus shipping amount subject to maximum of Rs. 25000/- (The liability of mentioning invoice value is totally of Shipper) compensation per awb numbers. However, there is no claim on delay of parcels.