Zenith cargo Prohibited Items

Zenith cargo cannot ship the following items internationally. Please make sure that your package does NOT contain any of the following. All packages will be inspected by us before they are shipped out. Thank you for your cooperation.

  • Food & Perishable
    • Non Vegetarian food in any form including Non Vegetarian Pickles
    • Fruits and Vegetables
    • Raw rice and rice flours
    • Liquids & Semi-liquids
    • Food and beverages requiring refrigeration or other environmental control Ayurvedic, Homeopathic & non-prescription medicines (certain restrictions apply. Please ask our office representative).
  • Drugs and Narcotics.
  • Electronic and Electrical Products and Spare Parts with battery source.
  • Live animals and plants
  • DutchPostal Articles, Passport or USA Green Card
  • Liquids & Semi-liquids
  • Philately Items
  • Bullion
  • Firearms, parts thereof and ammunition
  • Precious & Semi-Precious Items
  • Radioactive Material
  • Corpses, cremated or disinterred remains
  • Gambling Devices: Lottery tickets and gambling devices where prohibited by national, provincial, state or local law.
  • Pornography
  • Dry Ice (including that used for packaging).
  • Any shipment which would be likely to cause damage, or delay to equipment, personnel or other shipments.
  • Biological material such as bacteria or virus samples available.
  • Flammable and explosive chemicals or products
  • Hazardous waste materials
  • Any shipment which may require the carrier to obtain a license for its transportation
  • All IATA Restricted Items and Dangerous goods.
  • Any item whose carriage is prohibited by any law, statute or regulations of the country of origin or destination, or of any country through which the shipment may transit.


If you are not sure about an item please contact our customer support or email us to confirm. It is customer’s responsibility to make sure they ask our representative prior to booking a shipment. If an item in the shipment is confiscated by our office or by Customs because it is a prohibited item then, Zenith cargo does not take any liability or is at fault. Additional charges will be applied to dispose or return shipment to origin.

The above list is subject to change as items/articles are constantly added onto this list. An item/article not on this list can be considered prohibited.